Superior H2H and Close Engagement Applications
Flux is a rapid acquisition curriculum of self-defense, defensive tactics and empty hand methods for civilian, law enforcement and military clientele. Flux Master Instructors tailor this innovative curriculum for the level of force and specific tactical needs of each community. Flux-Control is designed to provide law enforcement personnel with specialized skills for working the fine line between effective close contact techniques and excessive force.
Superior Learning Modality
Most Defensive Tactics and Close Engagement systems are presented as Scenario-Specific Tactical Solutions (SSTS) – an assemblage of “tricks.” As a result, persons receiving training in these courses have been taught, technique A is for situation X; technique B is for situation Y, and so on. A typical “fundamental” unarmed combat curriculum can contain dozens of techniques. As a result, reaction times are slowed, because personnel are left trying to match the right response to fit the situation. In contrast, Flux-Control is based on a sequence of four simple actions, which are then applied across an array of tactical problems. Reaction time is increased, and learning time is decreased, because every situation is solved in essentially the same manner.
Superior Kinesthetics
Most Defensive Tactics and Close Engagement systems are designed for use by young, large, athletic trainees. As a result, these methods are poorly suited for smaller trainees, and experienced officers whose fitness levels have declined with age. Flux-Control emphasizes the use of core strengths which represent the strongest possible physical actions, regardless of age, gender, or athletic prowess. For this reason, Flux-Control represents a significant advancement in effectiveness, while decreasing the chances of officer-injuries leading to costly Workers Compensation claims.
Superior Bio-mechanical and Neurological Principles
Exploiting weaknesses in a subject’s structure is at the heart of Flux-Control methods. Every technique is applied against the natural (but often unrecognized) weaknesses of the body. In particular, Flux-Control uses simple, but sophisticated, methods of neuro-dehabituation to overcome subject resistance. In extreme cases, these methods can even be used to instantly incapacitate a violent subject.
No one knows exactly how incapacitation using neuro-dehabituation produces the remarkable results it does; however, an examination of these methods – conducted at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, and published in Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness – found no evidence that these methods cause harm, trauma, or injury. Persons who have received such techniques sometimes feel as though they were subjected to hard blows, but, video records show nothing actionable. Nor, is there any bruising or other lasting injury to be photographed or reported.
Superior Moral and Ethical Standing
The Flux-Control program comes with a unique moral/ethical vetting process: the designers include not only personnel from several Law Enforcement and Corrections departments, but also from the religious and healthcare communities. This broad representation insures that Flux-Control is consistent with the highest possible moral and ethical standards, and that it represents a truly humane approach to close engagement tactics. In this way, the effective and efficient techniques which form the Flux-Control curriculum not only protect officers from aggressive subjects, but also protect departments from charges of excessive force.
For more information, or to arrange a meeting with a Fluxsm representative, contact us at
Flux: Cutting Edge Solutions for Violent Encounters
Flux is a rapid acquisition curriculum of self-defense, defensive tactics and empty hand methods for civilian, law enforcement and military clientele. Flux Master Instructors tailor this innovative curriculum for the level of force and specific tactical needs of each community. Flux-Humane is designed to provide ordinary individuals with potent tools for avoiding and surviving violent encounters.
Meeting a Real need with a Realistic Response
Most self-defense courses are designed by male martial arts practitioners who succeed by virtue of their muscles. But, such methods are poorly suited for people of average strength and fitness levels. Flux-Humane emphasizes the use of core strengths, which represent the strongest possible physical actions, regardless of age, gender, or athletic prowess.
Most self-defense courses emphasize the use of hard counter-blows to beat away an attacker. In this manner, they treat the violent encounter as a toe-to-toe grudge match between equal contestants. In contrast, Flux-Humane applies techniques against the natural (but often unrecognized) weaknesses of the body in order to negate the differences in age, size and strength which predators count on. In particular, Flux-Humane uses simple, but sophisticated, methods of neuro-dehabituation to incapacitate the violent attacker.
Most self-defense courses are based on wrong assumptions about the nature of violent encounters and wrong estimates of what makes for an effective response. In fact, the most commonly taught self-defense methods actually increase danger, rather than decreasing it. Flux-Humane incorporates a dynamic psycho-physical strategy which powerfully rescripts the predator/prey encounter in startling and unexpected ways.
The developers of Flux-Humane literally re-engineered self-defense. From physical movement, to counter methods, to strategic modality, Flux-Humane represents a significant leap forward in the science of self-protection. And yet, the system is built on a foundation of just four simple actions. This makes Flux-Humane simple to learn, and empowering to know.
A Genuinely Humane Approach to Self-Defense
Unlike violent predators, people of good will are reluctant to injure others. Predators count on this reluctance, knowing that a potential victim will hesitate before fighting back, and will hold back when fighting because of a concern for causing harm. Flux-Humane is designed around humane methods and concepts, which have been shown to be stunningly effective, without causing injury. This removes response hesitation due to moral reluctance, produce more reliably positive outcomes.
Curriculum elements vary according to the specific need of the group, and the time allotted for the class
Training elements can include:
-Psychology and Ethics of Self-defense
-Self-Defense Rescripted®
You can defend yourself
-Welcoming the Attack
Working into Your Strength
Working against his weakness
-Humane Pressure Point Self-defense
Location and Method of Useful Pressure Points
Pressure Point Responses to specific tactical problems
Dynamic Training Methods to increase retention
-Special Circumstances
Defending Others
Dealing with weapons
Defense in Difficult Settings
Seminars are Available in the following configurations:
1. Self-Defense Rescripted® seminar: 90 minutes
2. Intensive one day Seminar: 4 hours
3. 10 Hour Intensive Course (Taught in 5, 2 hour weekly classes).
For more information, or to arrange a meeting with a Fluxsm representative, contact us at
Flux: Cutting Edge Solutions for Violent Encounters
Flux is a rapid acquisition curriculum of self-defense, defensive tactics and empty hand methods for civilian, law enforcement, military, and special settings clientele. Fluxsm Master Instructors tailor this innovative curriculum for the level of force and specific tactical needs of each community. Flux-Humane3pi is designed for personnel working in special settings in which violent individuals are potentially also clients or patients.
Meeting a Real Need with a Realistic Response
Most defense and control courses are designed by male martial arts practitioners who succeed by virtue of their muscles. But, such methods are poorly suited for people of average strength and fitness levels. Flux-Humane3pi emphasizes the use of core strengths, which represent the strongest possible physical actions, regardless of age, gender, or athletic prowess.
Most defense and control courses emphasize the use of hard counter-blows, and force-on-force tactics to beat down a subject. In contrast, Flux-Humane3pi applies techniques against the natural (but often unrecognized) weaknesses of the body in order to neutralize the disparities in age, size and strength which can result in injury to staff attempting to assist. In particular, Flux-Humane3pi uses simple, but sophisticated, methods of neuro-dehabituation to incapacitate the violent subject.
Most defense and control courses are based on wrong assumptions about the nature of violent encounters and wrong estimates of what makes for an effective response. In fact, the most commonly taught self-defense methods actually increase danger, rather than decreasing it. Flux-Humane3pi incorporates a dynamic psycho-physical strategy which powerfully rescripts the victim/threat encounter in startling and unexpected ways.
The developers of Flux-Humane3pi literally re-engineered defense and control tactics. From physical movement, to counter methods, to strategic modality, Flux-Humane3pi represents a significant leap forward in the science of self-protection. And yet, the system is built on a foundation of simple, natural actions. This makes Flux-Humane3pi simple to learn, and empowering to know.
Humane Tactics Tailored for Special Settings
Unlike self-defense against violent criminal assaults, subjects in special settings are often clients or patients. In many cases, the violent behavior results from mental illness, altered mental state due to medical condition, or psycho-active effects of medications. Staff responding to such events have a moral and ethical obligation to protect as well as subdue the subject. But, tentativeness and restraint on the part of staff concerned about causing harm (as well as constraints put on staff by the company lawyers and policy-makers concerned about lawsuits) can expose staff to injury, and institutions to Worker’s Compensation claims.
Flux-Humane3pi teaches highly effective humane tactics which minimize risk of injury for both staff and subject, as well as the risk of legal exposure. And, in extreme cases, these methods can even be used to instantly incapacitate a violent subject. Techniques can be successfully applied by a lone care provider, or in a team approach. Special settings training includes an emphasis on third-party intervention and institution-specific scenarios.
Reliably Humane, Moral, and Ethical
The Flux-Humane3pi program comes with a unique two-part moral/ethical vetting process: First, the most extreme of the Flux-Humane3pi tactics (incapacitation by neuro-dehabituation) have been subjected to medical scrutiny at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital (results published in Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness) and no evidence was found that these methods cause harm, trauma, or injury. Second, the designers of Flux-Humane3pi include not only personnel from several Law Enforcement and Corrections departments, but also from the religious and healthcare communities. This broad representation insures that Flux-Humane3pi is consistent with the highest possible moral and ethical standards, and that it represents a truly humane approach to close engagement tactics. In this way, the effective and efficient techniques which form the Flux-Humane3pi curriculum not only protect staff, and clients/patients, but also protect institutions.
Adaptable and Customizable
The Flux program was created for maximum adaptability, so that the core concepts could be easily adapted to address the needs of many different clientele (from civilians seeking a little peace of mind, to war-fighters in need of reliable combatives), and different locations along the use-of-force continuum (from nuisance assaults to deadly confrontation). Flux-Humane3pi is easily customized to fit the needs of your institution. The Flux-Humane3pi trainers are so fluent at tactical analysis, that they can even design special training modules to fit situations or environments which are entirely unique to your situation.
Sample Multi-Session Curriculum Content for Special Settings
-Introduction to Self-Defense and Other-Defense
- Psychology and Ethics of Self-defense
-Tactical Triage
-Fundamentals of Mechanical Advantage
-Psychological & Physiological Rescripting (Welcome the Attack)
-Humane Techniques
-Claiming Advantage (Responsive Tactics)
-Initiating Advantage (Approach and Control Tactics)
-Third-Party Intervention (Solo)
-Third-Party Intervention (Team)
-Scenario-Specific Tactical Analysis
For more information, or to arrange a meeting with a Flux representative, contact us at